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BOH Minutes 12-15-2009
December 15, 2009

MEMBERS PRESENT:  Barbara Poremba Chairperson, Marc Salinas, Martin Fair, Larissa Lucas, Noreen Casey Kemith LeBlanc & Gayle Sullivan

OTHERS PRESENT: David Greenbaum, Acting Health Agent, Councillor Liaison Stephen Pinto and Heather Lyons, Clerk of the Board

EXCUSED: Tracy Giarla, Public Health Nurse

1. Call to Order
Meeting called to order by Dr. Poremba, Chair, at 7:00 PM.

2.  Flu Clinic  
Dr. Larisa Lucas suggested that the entire board receive weekly updates on the H1N1including vaccine allotments and flu clinics. All agreed.
David Greenbaum updated the Board on the H1N1 clinics
3. Transfer Station Conditions (Continued)  
  Motion: to approve or deny the site assignment with conditions.
 A discussion followed.
Board members agreed that they would review all conditions prior to voting.
                                    Motion withdrawn
Draft conditions discussed. (Final Draft of Conditions attached)
1. Traffic Lights:
There was a discussion about a traffic light condition made by the Planning Board when the Fafford Condominiums were built. It was believed to have been at First Street and Swampscott Road. However, no record has been found to support this. Beth Rennard stated that the City Council can add a traffic light condition when this site assignment comes before them.

2. Trucks leaving the Transfer Station:
Board lifted restrictions on trucks leaving the transfer station. All trucks may turn left or right turn onto Swampscott Road and to take a left or right turn onto Highland Avenue. The only restriction would be for transfer station trucks to avoid First Street.

3. Traffic Study:
NS Carting shall conduct a traffic study at the intersection of First Street and Swampscott Road to determine if traffic signals are required and that the study is peer reviewed by a consult of the board’s choice. If warranted NS Carting shall design, permit and fund up to $200,000 towards the traffic light construction.  

4. Tonnage:
There was a discussion on the tonnage. Both Marc Salinas and Noreen Casey do not agree that the tonnage should not be as large as 400 tons.  Noreen proposed that it be limited to 200 tons per day due to the size of the transfer station building and to limit the amount of traffic increase to that area. Martin fair stated that lowering the tonnage might not be economically viable. Mr. Murphy, the engineer for the board stated that the facility size was adequate for the tonnage proposed and that there was no significant degrading in traffic.

5. Waste left overnight:
There was a discussion on waste being left over night outside of the building. No solid waste will be left overnight outside of the facility. However, up to 1 truck with construction debris may be left overnight covered if it is not possible to remove it on that day. It was agreed that this would be more of an exception rather than a rule.

6. 1 Dipietro Ave:
There was a discussion regarding the deed to1 DiPietro Avenue.
Kemith LeBlanc requested that the deed to the property state that as long as the transfer station is in operation the property shall not be sold for residential purposes. Board members agreed.

7. Household Hazardous Waste Day: It was suggested that HHWD be held at the transfer station. The board decided that it would be better to continue to hold this at the High School because of the amount of traffic that it would generate.

8. Consequences for not following assigned conditions:
There was a discussion on fines for violations of conditions. The board will have the authority to apply a number of penalties including shutting down transfer station operations. Any change in the conditions of this site assignment or non-compliance of the conditions by the applicant could be cause to initiate a public hearing on the site assignment.

9. Future changes in conditions: Any change in the conditions of the site assignment would require a public hearing.

Motion: to approve the minor modification of the site assignment from 100-400 tons per day subject to final draft of conditions to be presented in writing at the next meeting.


Marc Salinas has concerns about voting for conditions without having a final draft in front of the board. Atty. Whittaker stated that the final draft will be presented at the next meeting and that the wording can be changed and approved before signing of the conditions.

Marc Salinas also has concerns about the possible traffic issue once this facility opens.  He also has concerns about the facility being able to handle 400 tons a day effectively.  These concerns were addressed in the conditions.

Marc Salinas was also concerned that the board has not received a final draft of the design plans for the facility. Final design plans are not available at the approval stage but all will be overseen by the independent overseer selected by the board and paid for by the applicant.

Vote on motion: 4 in favor, 2 apposed
(Chairperson reserved the right not to cast a vote)

Motion caries.
 4. Meeting

10:00 PM

Respectfully submitted,

Heather Lyons
Clerk of the Board

Next regularly scheduled meeting is Tuesday, February 12, 2010 at 7pm
at City Hall Annex, 120 Washington Street, Room 311 Salem.